Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Silly Kitty & my new lens

Yesterday I bought a new zoom lens for all my upcoming weddings. I have more civil weddings than temple weddings this year.. which means I need a HUGE lens so I don't have to distract everyone from the ceremony by standing font and center in the isle!
Well.. I decided to test my new toy out on my cat Silly (short for Silhouette. Her tag says Silly Kitty! hehe). Typically when I try to take pictures of her with a normal lens I have to get SUPER close to get a close up. Then she tries to rub her face on my lens. Yeahh... not a good thing. With my new zoom I sat across the room and snapped pictures of her sitting there staring at me. In one of the photos my camera reflected some light on the walls.. so she quickly turned her head to watch it. Cute :)
Whoa what's that?!


  1. So if you would have increased the f-stop we would be able to read the tag right?? I found out that is not so easy on a moving target though haha....

  2. That's pretty cool! Congrats on your new purchase!

  3. Yes that's correct Brandie. I had it at f 2.8 and the shutter at 100. I took it in the office and it wasn't very bright. So if i increased the f stop it would have been dark. I could have corrected that by putting the shutter lower, but then it would have been blurry with a moving target. :)
